ICT Breakfast: AI and Knowledge Work Automation, 18.9.2024, 8:25 – 9:30, Prague

Are you interested in the use of AI in a corporate environment and how AI can bring efficiency to business processes? Do you know who “knowledge workers” are and what their role is? 75% of these workers use artificial intelligence (AI) at work today, and 46% of them started using it less than six months ago.

What are the the myths and superstitions in the field of AI? Have you heard of caroms and damages related to the careless use of artificial intelligence? Come for fresh orange juice, good coffee and great refreshments combined with interesting information, discussions and demonstrations from the world of “knowledge work automation”.


We invite you to the ICT Breakfast:

AI and Knowledge Work Automation, 18.9.2024, 8:25 – 9:30, Prague

We will introduce you to who “knowledge workers” are and why it is important to automate their work using useful tools. We’ll show you how automation can help these workers increase efficiency and what concrete steps companies can take to maximize the benefits of AI.

We will introduce you to specific tools for automating company processes:

DATE: Wednesday 18 September 2024, 8:25 – 9:30 a.m.
VENUE: Digital Resources a.s., Poděbradská 520/24, Prague 9
PRICE: free of charge for 2 people from the company, another person 690 CZK

Good parking in the yard, Kabešova stop (tram 7 and 8) right in front of the entrance.

So don’t hesitate and register today – we look forward to seeing you!

The number of places is limited. Registrations will be processed in order.

Please note that the event will be held in Czech.

Registrace na ICT snídani: AI a Knowledge Work Automation, 18. 9. 2024

Registrace na ICT snídani: AI a Knowledge Work Automation, 18. 9. 2024

Pro úspěšnou registraci, prosíme, nejprve potvrďte cookies na webu a až poté odešlete formulář.

V souvislosti s Nařízením (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), které upravuje zpracování osobních údajů, souhlasím s evidováním a zpracováním osobních údajů.*
Souhlasím s užíváním osobních údajů pro účel zasílání marketingových sdělení (novinky a zajímavé informace z oblasti podnikových informačních systémů, pozvánky na odborné semináře a další akce).*