The last ICT Breakfast of the year took place at our company’s headquarters today, this time on the topic How to replace the circulation of paper documents? We focused on how companies can use digitization and automation to replace inefficient processing of paper documents and manual processes.
The guests enjoyed fresh orange juice, excellent coffee and tasty breakfast supplemented with interesting information and practical demonstrations. You can find the progress of the entire event with photos in our report!
ICT Breakfast: How to replace the circulation of paper documents?, 31. 10. 2024, Prague

The guests were welcomed by Aneta Doležalová, Marketing Executive, who initially outlined the most common risks associated with the manual processing of paper documents that companies may encounter in practice. Then, on the contrary, she proposed how to minimize these risks using digitized document management and associated automated processes.

Jakub Kiml, senior consultant of the M-Files system, presented this document management system, which is also a leading platform for knowledge work automation. He showed how the system can effectively help with the digitization of documents and their safe management. He also presented DMS-IN.CLOUD – the cloud version of M-Files. Finally, he also gave a live demonstration of the system.

IT specialist Matyáš Vacek outlined what other information systems M-Files can be integrated with, and also introduced the guests to M-Files Hubshare – a digital space in which content can be collaborated with internal and external entities. Another key part of effective document digitization is a suitable tool for intelligent data extraction. That is why we also presented DOCU-X OCR to the participants, including a live demonstration.

Finally, IT specialist Matěj Zavadil showed our CRM system Intuo – Company Intelligence, which perfectly supports the automation of all processes that some companies still perform manually. With a focus on business, he also demonstrated a live demonstration of this system, thanks to which participants could see that Intuo together with M-Files can simplify not only document management, but also ensure a complete overview of all activities, invoicing and business opportunities.

The event ended with a raffle for interesting gifts that some of the guests could take away. Congratulations to the winners!

We thank all the ICT Breakfast guests for their participation and we look forward to meeting you at another event!