Webinar: Effective invoice processing, 12. 6. 2024, 10:00 – 10:20

Do you spend a lot of time manually processing invoices? Are you losing track of who has the invoice and what stage it is in the approval process? Digitization and automation of invoice processing can be an effective solution for you!

In many companies, these processes are too complex, leading to duplicities, delayed payments or even lost documents. The result is chaos and disgruntled suppliers. Unfortunately, 90% of invoices worldwide are still processed manually.

We invite you to the webinar

Effective invoice processing, 12. 6. 2024, 10:00 – 10:20

In the webinar, we will focus on efficient invoice processing. We will show you how to easily process a large number of invoices and how to eliminate missed due dates or errors that often arise as a result of manual processing. Thanks to digitization, you will have all documents in a secure, centralized environment that uses an automated workflow. We will introduce you to the system DOCU-X OCR for intelligent extraction of data from documents, DMS (Document Management System) M-Files, market leader according to Nucleus Research and visionary according to Gartner, and ERP system HELIOS iNuvio.

Please note that the webinar will be held in Czech.